Sparco Eng has the wide range experience in designing, manufacturing and commissioning of metering systems both for custody transfer application skid and provers for the claibration and enusring the accuracy required by the client . As well as for the gas processing plant applications. We have designed skids for varies application all around the world with customized requirement and with international design code. Our Design and skids including with the complete mechanical piping structure and instrumentation and control .
Which include the complete flow computers panels with SCADA system .
From the commonly used bi-directional prover to customized solutions for the most challenging applications, we have the experience and expertise to meet your requirements.
- Bi-directional provers
- Small volume provers
- Master metering
- Water draw calibration systems
- Portable provers

Sparco Compact Prover offers flexible mounting configurations on a truck or trailer for field proving of flow meters, or can be permanently installed in a testing facility either vertically or horizontally. Pulse interpolation electronics permit exact time determination and pulse counting which provides high accuracy proving with a smaller volume and fewer flow meter pulses than any previous prover technology. The use of a small displacement volume is made possible by the high resolution of Sparco Compact Prover which is attributed to two major factors; precision optical switches, and data acquisition using double chronometry. Precision volume detection switches are used for defining prover volume by detecting the piston position. These switches are reliable, precise and have a fast response time (5 x 10-6 seconds). Data acquisition, using double chronometry, allows a much higher degree of meter pulse resolution than the ±1 pulse common to conventional pipe provers. Control and operation of Sparco Compact Prover is accomplished by a microprocessor based device providing the advanced electronic capabilities necessary for control in proving volumetric or mass meters. Sparco Compact Prover conforms to design guidelines prescribed in API Chapter 4.2 and Pulse Interpolation techniques in API Chapter 4.6. All proving report formats have been designed in accordance with API standard, Chapter 12 Calculation of Petroleum Quantities of the “Manual of Petroleum Measurement”. Included engineered features Upon request,
Compact Prover systems can include:
1-) Combination volumetric/mass meter prover
2-) Integrated density measurement
3-) Master Meters with flow conditioning
4-) Special materials, e.g., NACE compliant designs
5-) Custom instrumentation packages
6-) Trailer mounting with serviciing tool box
7-) Local (hazardous area) electronics with UL and ATEX hazardous area approvals
8-) Local and remote proving flow computers
9-) Inlet and outlet pressure and temperature measurement
10-) Flexible hoses and valves kit
11-)Integration into flow measurement skids

Our skids are used to transfer the process fluid with change of territory or ownership of the fluid. Custody metering skids are highly precise and accurate for measurement of sale and invoice purpose. With Integrated Prover system with latest technology of diagnostic on the streams and the data verification with API calculations. These skids come with custody transfer certified flowmeters. Their accuracy ranges from 0.05% to 0.5% of flow.
Depending upon the client service, the flow metering technology varies from Coriolis based flow meter , Pressure Differential , Turbine and Ultrasonic. These metering skids varies in capacity depending on the flow profile by the client , fluid composition and other factors .
These flow metering skids are provided with Flowmeters meeting custody metering norm API MPMS chapter 6 for liquid metering and for Gas Metering following metrological certification in order to use it by end user.
View more about Custody Transfer Meter Proving Skid on main site